Shivastotravalli 1.25:

भवद्भक्तिसुधासारस्तैः किमप्युपलक्षितः। ये न रागादिपङ्केऽस्मिँल्लिप्यन्ते पतिता अपि।।

"O God Of Nectar! Those devotees only can predict extreme enchanting rain of nectar of your devotion, who even being in the presence of disease, grudges etc, stay unaffected."

Shivastotravalli 1.26:

अणिमादिषु मोक्षान्तेष्वङ्गेष्वेव फलाभिधा। भवद्भक्तेर्विपक्वाया लताया इव केषुचित्।।

"O Ishwar! From Subtle powers to Moksha which are nouned as Parasidhdhi in Shashtras, these powers get signified from your non dualstic devotion. Just like a fruit ripeness gets more signified, the more it is attached to its branch."


Akshay Ji: Devotion is ultimate. Bhakti gets you mukti. One who tasted the nectar of devotion of Parameshwara, he just lives in bliss of Ananda of Lord Shiva. No senses of body, no mind. Just immersed totally in Shiva. Be it a disease, or grudges, devotees accept it as will of shiva and isnt bothered. All the roots of problems arises like a wave in Ocean in mind. What mind seeks if it doesnt get pain. if it gets pleasure. But when reality of life is known and one becomes meditative fully on Lord Shiva, the mind becomes no mind. Where there is no mind, there is peace, ananda eternally. All the siddhis get signified here!

MindDissolved Ji: Oh Indestructible my lord my god, my mind is consumed by the nectar of devotion for you. This nectar enables me to realize the mystical way you operate with open secret. Felt yet invisible and not realized .Its your energy (siddhis) that true devotees are equidistant from both kind of polarity. Oh lord all these siddhis from gross to subtle in nature and mentioned in all the shastras are just smallest part of you. SHiva also keeps check and test maturity of the devotion of devotee by imparting these siddhis, but true matured devotees take these siddhis in their stride and never misuse it, as they are surrendered devotees with love and guided by My Lord My God Shiva.