Shivastotravalli 1.19:

सर्वतो विलसद्भक्तितेजोध्वस्तावृतेर्मम। प्रत्यक्षसर्वभावस्य चिन्तानामापि नश्यतु।।

"O Peaceful Lord! Destroy all the worries of the devotees who see your true form in every objects around them with your true devotion."

Shivastotravalli 1.20:

शिव इत्येकशब्दस्य जिह्वागे तिष्ठतः सदा। समस्तविषयास्वादो भक्तेष्वेवास्ति कोऽप्यहो।।

"O Pure Intelligence! It is surprising that "Shiva" this only word, if true devotees always keep it at the tip of the tongue, immediately they will get the unexplainable taste of the these other 5 subjects like "word", "touch", "form", "rasa", and "smell" ."


Akshay Ji: This entire world is nothing but Shiva. Shiva is the existence himself. The primordial being who himself became this world and objects. Those who realize this devote completely to shiva. What is that existence itself in first place? Existence has no basis as it is by itself and hence svyambhu. Who realizes this body and manas is not I, and realize that the body and manas are instrument, such jeevas alone realize the existence itself. SAT CHIT ANANDA swaroopa i.e Shiva. Those who try to see Shiva via lens of maya and find Ishwara its impossible. Devote yourself to Shiva chant his nama, Shiva will remove the screens of maya which is covering your true nature and thereby he destroys all worries of devotees. One cannot find Ishwara, the God, Shiva if they see through lens of maya. you try to keep searching Shiva as object. But when maya is removed, Shiva shines himself...such devotees alone ll get unexplainable taste of 5 subjects which is mentioned of word touch form rasa smell