Shivastotravalli 1.17:

प्रत्याहाराद्यसंस्पृष्टो विशेषोऽपि महानयम्। योगिभ्यो भक्तिभाजां यद्व्युत्थानेऽपि समाहिताः।।

"Yogis can focus their mind by practicing like eight yogAngos i.e. Pratyahar dhyAn samAdhi etc which are mentioned in yogAshashtras, but devotees can focus their mind by just sinking in the rasa of devotion, and hence their this speciality is excessive."

Shivastotravalli 1.18:

न योगो न तपो नार्चाक्रमः कोऽपि प्रणीयते। अमाये शिवमार्गेऽस्मिन् भक्तिरेका प्रशस्यते।।

"O Bhaktvatsal! In ShivamArga, entry of mAyA is impossible. Hence a line of yogA mechanism, penance or method of archanA cant be drawn, in this mArga only devotion is considered praiseworthy."


MindDissolved Ji: Yogi's have to follow the tedious and tiresome path of Ashtang Yoga, Comparatively devotees attend samadhi very easily by just surrendering with devotion and love for My Lord My God Shiva.

This method of devotion or we may call it as path of love ,devotion and surrender is free of illusion, Austerity and Intense Practice of Ashtang Yoga. Nor its bound by a particular way of worship. Only ways is surrendering false self to true self (My Lord My God) with love and devotion.